Editorial Topic On the copyright of climate maps

Editor-in-Chief Lecture


Professor, University of Tehran


De Martonne's classification is a widely used and well-known method in climatology, which is fast and suitable for zoning regions in terms of aridity evaluation. In the 1990s, in order to increase the efficiency of the method, the author developed the temperature parameter of the above-mentioned classification and based on it he defined several sub-climates for each of the main climate classes, which was named "Extended de Martonne Classification". In the next step, the necessary data processing was done with the participation of the colleagues of the University of Tehran, whose names are included in the map documents, and the first map of Iran's climatic divisions was compiled and published by the proposed method. In the present note while expressing happiness with the recent re-publishing of this map by a research institute, it is regretted that this was done without mentioning the source and by removing the names of the authors and the identification details of its documents. The date of creation of the map is also wrongly mentioned as 2021 and induces a new work which is not acceptable. At the same time, this republishing became a motivation to prepare a note about this classification and related findings about Iran. Also, in the continuation of the work, the map of world climatic divisions based on CRU[1] data was compiled and presented. The above-mentioned article entitled "A Comparative study on climate maps of Iran in extended de Martonne classification and application of the method for world climate zoning" is presented in this issue with the hope that it will attract the attention of climate researchers to criticize and complete the shortcomings of the method.
[1] Climate Research Unit: https://crudata.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg/cru_ts_4.04/ge/


Climate Research Unit: https://crudata.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg/cru_ts_4.04/ge/